Question: I notice these questions have been waiting on answers for a few days now. is this perhaps an indication of service levels one might expect when placing business with such companies!! Service standards have never been excellent as a general...
Question: We sell overseas investment properties and have had conflicting views from different developers regarding the current position for buying such properties via a SIPP. I appreciate that, in any event, no personal use would be allowable, but what,...
Question: I have recently, over the period of the last three years, been dealing with a case of a pensions sharing order for which the actuaries calculated (2006) that if the wife was granted 100% of her husband's pension rights in a final salary scheme...
Following his brother's diagnosis and recovery from throat cancer last year, Bob wants to take out s...
Mary Stewart, Hornbuckle Mitchell: "The whole ethos of self-investment is that the member is in c...
James Hay: The SIPP market will definitely become more competitive over the next few years which w...
James Hay: A SIPP can justifiably claim to be the number one 4x4 of pension investment. It offers e...
Ruth, 26, is a magazine designer living in London. Although in good health, she suffered from ME for...
Beverly, 42, earns £44,000 working as an architect for a large building company. She has nerve damag...