Russ, 33, has recently left a high-paid media job. Although he has no solid position to go to, he is...
Neil, 48, is presently a freelance consultant, having recently been made redundant from his job at a...
Company A has taken over Company B. Company A has, in the past, had group income protection (IP) and...
Rachel, 35, is a self-employed private detective. She leads a healthy active lifestyle but drinks tw...
Ruth is an HR manager for a brewery in Glasgow that employs 149 people. Having attended a conference on employee benefits, she is now looking to take out some form of staff protection which she hopes will act as an incentive when hiring new employees....
Victoria, 24, is a supply teacher who lives in Cambridge. Her boyfriend has been encouraging her to take her financial situation more seriously and has recommended she takes out private medical insurance. She leads an active life and regularly attends...
James, 27, is a personal trainer for a gym and earns £26,000. He likes adventure sports such as skyd...
Bertie, 50, has watched the demise of his brother to Alzheimer's without any financial protection. Bertie is a managing director for a department store in Edinburgh. He has private medical insurance through his company but no other cover. He can afford...
James, 46, is a newly qualified IT programmer who earns around £35,000 a year and lives with his mother in the suburbs of London. He works on a freelance basis and would like to take out private medical insurance. James lives a relatively healthy lifestyle...
John, 45, was admitted to hospital last year suffering with chest pains. John runs his own business as a site manager of a quarry, and would like to take out business protection so that the business is catered for should something happen to him. He works...