The Power of Resolution

Professional Adviser

Oliver Russ, Fund Manager, Argonaut European Income Fund. Oliver discusses the performance of his pioneering European Income Fund in its first year since launch on December 15 2005. He highlights the benefits of investing in European equities and takes a look at the potential for this market in 2007.

Oliver Russ's pioneering European equity income fund is a striking concept

European income is a great way of diversifying your assets away from the UK. Currently you get higher yields at lower risk from Europe compared to the UK market”.
Oliver Russ, Fund Manager

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Argonaut European Income Fund

First true European Equity Fund

26.5% total return and top quartile since launch *

Net income yield 4.1%**

Great diversifier for those who favour UK equity income

Rave reviews and recommendations from various industry luminaries

*Source: Lipper, bid to bid, net income reinvested from launch 15/12/05 to 31/01/07.

**Yield as 31/01/07, less tax and applicable fees. Yields may vary.

Who is Argonaut ?

A concentrated European high alpha super boutique designed to deliver epic performance. Argonaut is a 50/50 joint venture between top fund managers Barry Norris and Oliver Russ and Resolution Asset Management. This unique structure allows Norris and Russ, who have a passion for investing, to concentrate solely on what they do best – managing money – while Resolution delivers the sales & marketing and support services.

Norris and Russ are unconstrained free thinking stock-pickers with a steely investment process that delivers powerful results, through some striking products.

Argonaut generated over £500m of cash inflows during 2006 as the flagship European Alpha Fund achieved top decile and the pioneering European Income Fund punched above its weight to achieve a top quartile ranking in a growth sector.*

*Source Lipper, bid to bid, net income reinvested for 12 months to 29/12/06. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.The value of units and any income from them can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed. You may not get back the full amount invested. This information is for investment professional only and should not be relied upon by private investors.

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