The ten most common complaints investigated by the Pensions Ombudsman in 2013-2014 excluded queries relating to fees, fund switches and pension liberation, figures show.
The reduction of the withdrawal tax rate from 55% to an individual's marginal income tax rate will increase tax income by £1.2bn a year by 2019, Budget documents show.
Pension PlayPen has launched a free comparison tool to rate and compare quotes from all the main pension providers.
The National Association of Pension Funds is investigating steps it can take to help DC members get a better deal at retirement - hinting at the launch of a broker service.
The next government must "brave up" and start raising auto-enrolment (AE) contribution rates towards 12% to 15% to manage expectations of savers, the head of the National Association of Pension Funds has said.
The Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) has made a range of recommendations in a bid to make tax simpler for Britain's pensioners.
The Office of Tax Simplification has made a range of recommendations in a bid to make tax simpler for Britain's pensioners.
Equiniti Group has agreed to sell Xafinity Consulting business to CBPE Capital.
‘Inappropriate' active member discounts (AMDs) could threaten the success of auto-enrolment and must be restricted, Legal & General has warned.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has released details of its probe into GP Noble Trustees - vowing to take "swift action" to disrupt fraud in the future.