A day in the life of an adviser: Glasgow-based Adrian Murphy

PA hears how advisers all across the nation structure their workdays

Ayesha Venkataraman
clock • 2 min read

In this interview series, Professional Adviser speaks with a range of different planners from all corners of the UK about their typical workday.

This week, it's Murphy Wealth chief executive Adrian Murphy… What time does a typical workday start for you and what is first on the agenda? Typically, I start my day at 7:30am after my meditation, and bringing my wife her morning coffee in bed, and before my training. I like to deal with anything messages and emails before I start my training (running, swimming and cycling). I usually head into the office about 10:00am. On days without client meetings, when do you tend to do your ‘deep thinking' work? I have one day a week in my home office where I get to do my thinking, read...

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