Logical step? Using equity release to pay for long-term care

Logical step? Using equity release to pay for LTC


More than half of over 50s haven't thought about how they would fund long-term care needs. Adrian Walker asks if equity release could help solve the problem

The recent Equity Release Council figures which showed that lending in the second quarter of 2015 - at £384m - was the largest of any quarter since 2002, prompted me to share some research we recently undertook with YouGov. The survey of about 1,600 people aged 50 to 75 showed that while equity release was predicted to play a greater in people's retirement and long-term care planning, long-term care is still one of the great unknowns of growing old. We Brits famously don't like to talk about death and, similarly, it would seem that we also don't like to think about how and where we mi...

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