Canada Life has said it sees significant growth opportunities in group risk and plans to use new media to market the sector.
Peter Gould discusses the issues clients face when trying to get the most from their retirement income.
Paul Thompson, tax & estate planning consultant at Canada Life, explains how a Discounted Gift Trust can be a highly IHT-efficient planning tool.
Highlights of some of the discussion from COVER's recent group risk roundtable in association with Canada Life.
Paul Thompson, tax & estate planning consultant at Canada Life, examines the normal expenditure out of income exemption.
Intermediaries are overwhelmingly (91%) in favour of commission options in the group insurance market, Canada Life Group Insurance has said.
The National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) today unveiled its panel of recommended retirement income providers.
Employees changing needs are not being met by company benefit packages, according to Canada Life Group Insurance.
Paul Thompson, tax & estate planning consultant at Canada Life, looks at alternative strategies for mitigating IHT liability.
Paul Thompson, tax & estate planning consultant at Canada Life, on why the order of steps taken to mitigate your clients' inheritance tax (IHT) liability are so important...