Government ministers will aim to overturn the exclusion of means-testing of cancer patients receiving Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) as the coalition's government's Welfare Reform Bill moves back to the House of Commons.
The Treasury has again rejected calls to allow more alternative investment market (AIM) shares in individual savings accounts (ISAs).
Peers are today expected to challenge plans for a £26,000 cap on the benefits families can receive by suggesting child benefit should be excluded.
The government is seeking to cut half a million people from the disability benefits list when the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is introduced.
Financial secretary Mark Hoban has defended the Money Advice Service after a prominent peer launched an attack on pay levels at the organisation.
The House of Lords has rejected an amendment to ensure increases to the state pension age (SPA) do not exceed one year.
Labour has made a last attempt to stall the government's increase to the state pension age (SPA) in the very last stages of the Pensions Bill.
The two main bodies representing doctors in the UK have pledged to continue battling the progress of controversial NHS reforms despite it being passed by the House of Lords.
Controversial NHS reforms have taken a step nearer with the government's Health and Social Care Bill surviving its latest stage in the House of Lords.
Lord Robert Winston has slammed the government's Health and Social Care Bill saying there was "a hell of a lot wrong with it" and said it did not address patients basic medical needs.