Bright Grey has released a stand alone Relevant Life Policy aimed at small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
Aviva and Prudential are the most likely to gain from consolidation in the UK life assurance industry, according to Deutsche Bank.
Investors can mitigate the effects of low base rates by investing in life policy settlements, which are benefiting from low demand and prices, according to Policy Selection Limited (PSL).
People may avoid taking out protection as they consider it too expensive warns Legal & General (L&G), as new figures show 65% overestimated the cost of £150,000 worth of life cover.
Rowanmoor Pensions has launched a life assurance scheme for active members of its small self-administered schemes (SSAS) or family pension trusts (FPT).
The price of mortgage and life assurance leads is set to crash in January 2007 as the number of consumers seeking to switch to cheaper deals rises, according to lead generator
Up to 4.2m people in the UK who do not have their mortgages covered by life insurance, new research reveals.
Standard Life has published statistics behind its critical illness and life assurance claims experiences which reveal non-disclosed alcohol abuse problems could make life insurance policies invalid.
UK insurers are no longer allowed to ask specific questions about a person's sexuality and potential risks to health as a result, according to new rules laid down by the ABI.
Sales of life assurance products will stage a strong comeback over the next four years and IFAs should be able to hold onto a position of strength in the distribution chain, says Datamonitor.