The FSA could force sub-prime mortgage lenders to shut out the very people they were set up to help, according to Reynolds Porter Chamberlain.
Homeowners are taking cash out of their homes to boost their retirement income at the quickest rate since 2004, suggests new figures.
Housing prices are set to shoot up because the number of homes being bought by singletons is on the increase, according to research from
The government has rubber-stamped its Home Information Packs legislation with minimal changes, despite strong opposition and rumours the proposals could be scrapped altogether.
The mortgage application process is let down most by the extent to which customers are kept informed of their application, research shows.
House prices will continue to inflate as three million people plan to buy a new home in the next six months, says a new report.
I wonder how open advisers are leaving themselves with problems by mixing up non-regulated sales and non-regulated advice.
Higher interest rates have not had the expected impact on mortgage borrowing, according to the British Bankers' Association (BBA).
First time buyers are borrowing larger and larger amounts to get on the property ladder, according to the Mortgage Advice Bureau (MAB).
Tightness in rental yields are partly an inverse result of capital appreciation, so the BTL buyer is always in a win-win situation, argues Jeff Knight, director of marketing at GMAC-RFC.