Care home providers are failing to inform local councils when residents die and continue to receive money for their care, new research reveals.
Prudential product technical manager Gerry Brown on why there are plenty of product solutions for clients’ long-term care needs
A commission has been launched to look at improving dignity and care to older patients in hospitals and care homes.
The collapse of Southern Cross may be repeated by other care home operators as local authorities have frozen the rates they will pay for their funded care home residents.
The pensions and insurance industry must create a long term care (LTC) savings vehicle separate to other products to tackle the problem of growing care needs amongst the elderly, Axa said.
The long-term care market effectively disappeared in the early 1990s. But is it about to re-open and how should IFAs approach it? Stephanie Spicer reports
Large numbers of care home residents who are presently private payers will be drawn within the ambit of local authority payment, Laing & Buisson has warned.
The Dilnot Commission report, set up by the Government to recommend a fair and sustainable funding system for adult social care in England, is to be welcomed.
Philippa Gee, managing director of Philippa Gee Wealth Management, has digested Dilnot's proposed reforms on care home funding and found a few things which stick in her throat...
The FSA said it may look at ways to improve the standard of advice for products that meet care fees funding needs.