Dean Jones investigates the importance of the internet in building new relationships with clients
Financial services advisers are very optimistic about their business growth prospects in 2010, according to research from paaleads.
Scottish Provident has launched an online tool kit, giving advisers the information to quickly and effectively pinpoint the relevant protection requirements for their clients.
Axa has enhanced its critical illness (CI) cover following a product review and consultation with advisers.
Personal accident insurance remains a hugely undersold product, which means many intermediaries are missing an opportunity to generate valuable revenue, says Neil Thunström
Paul Robertson talks to Ian Bird about the little known benefits that many companies offer their staff and the more cost effective products on offer to them
Tom Baigrie's pan industry protection consumer advertising concept has stalled. Paul Robertson précis Baigries' report on the reasons why
Last year in COVER, I raised the concept of a consumer focused quality standard for IP (QS) which would be underpinned by an Office of Fair Trading (OFT) approved code of practice.
Scientists at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, have unlocked the entire genetic code of two of the most common cancers - skin and lung.
Foster Denovo envisages the market will continue to experience similar challenges in the first half of 2010, and employers are going to be continually working to keep costs down.