A disease that affects nearly 15% of the population yet little is known of the cause, Fergus Bescoby takes a look at age-related macular degeneration (ARMD)
Climbing and mountaineering are growing as a sport yet they can be potentially hazardous and occasionally fatal. By asking the right questions about the type of climbing, underwriters can ensure the correct price is charged for the risk explains Nicky...
A common disease, yet still barely understood, Anne Llewellyn gives a guide to the underwriting of multiple sclerosis
Smear tests can detect cervical cancer as well as pre-cancerous conditions. Fergus Bescoby explains the underwriting implications of abnormal cells and different cancer stages
Aviation can be a potentially hazardous hobby. By asking some additional questions, underwriters can determine the category a pilot falls into and the level of risk involved, explains Kevin Carr.
There are over 5 million asthmatics in the UK and, depending on its severity, the condition can affect ratings on health protection. Fergus Bescoby explains
Insurers have reported a growth in breast-lump disclosure on application forms but these are often benign. Anne Llewellyn explains the underwriting implications of breast disease