The regulatory experts at Bankhall have joined Professional Adviser to bring you a must-attend, three-part series that will explore Consumer Duty and what it will mean for you and your business.
Today (23 March) is the FINAL day of the inaugural Get Consumer Duty-Ready series, which will cover the six principles of the new regulation and the steps you need to take to ensure you are compliant with each one.
Advisers are warmly welcomed to join us from 1:00pm-3:00pm today to hear the latest regulatory insights, ask questions, and make sure they have everything needed to be Consumer Duty-ready.
The event agenda is as follows:
Day 3
Governance And Product Outcome
Today's session in our Get Consumer Duty-Ready series will focus on governance and MI, and the products and services outcome.
We will look at how you can set the tone from the top when it comes to governance and reporting, as well as the things you need to consider when it comes to monitoring, reviewing and evidencing customer outcomes.
We will also look at advice as a service, and you as a manufacturer. You will hear about how to define a target market, as well as distribution and impact.
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