The defined benefit (DB) pension scheme deficit worsened £14.4bn to minus £19.6bn last month, according to figures from the Pension Protection Fund (PPF).
The pensions protection levy is likely to climb again in 2008 after the Pensions Protection Fund (PPF) collected less than half its estimate in levies for 2006/7, according to Mercer.
The position of Defined Benefit (DB) schemes in deficit worsened in July 2007 with the total deficit just over £45bn from £30bn at the end of June 2007.
The pension protection levy, paid by work-based pension schemes to help protect their members, could be set for three levy years between 2008 and 2011.
The Pensions Protection Fund has today launched a leaflet to help people who lost their pensions when their employers became insolvent and who are currently being assessed by the PPF scheme.
Lawrence Churchill has been reappointed chairman of the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) for a further three years.
The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has launched the ‘Protecting People's Pensions' initiative targeted at members of work based pension schemes.
A merger between the UK's newest regulatory bodies for pensions - the Pensions Regulator and the Pension Protection Fund - has been floated by Paul Thornton, the man appointed to conduct an independent review of pension regulation, says the Financial...
Pensions experts have raised concerns over the shortfall of £343m in the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) figures revealed yesterday, says the Scotsman .
Three major governing pensions bodies have signed a tripartite memorandum of understanding with the objective of improving pension security.